Balayage, Ombre, Babylights? Which One is for You?

Image sourced from Pexels
With all the different ways of coloring your hair, you may get confused.
Let's help clarify.
Highlights  are what they say .... lifting methodically sections of hair to a lighter shade usually enveloped  and processed inside aluminum sheets of paper. Lowlights is the same technique  adding darker colors  to add depth opposed to lighter shades. 
Each application can be applied alone or cocktailed together for an even more dramatic effect.
Distinguishing between Ombre and Balayage
Ombre refers to a coloring technique where the hair has an apparent dark and light contrast. Often roots are more reflective of a regrowth whereas mid lengths and ends looked sun kissed.
Simply put- an ombre color technique looks very natural, like a summer grow out.

IG:  Iles Formula supporter  @emmaleekatehair
Now lets talk about Balayage.
Balayage is more about how the hair color is applied, than the color itself. The word “balayage” comes from the French of “to sweep”.
Balayage is  a free style technique, where the professional will brush on color in a poetic manner. The  maintenance is low budget as the grow out lines are quite subtle.
               IG:  Iles Formula Ambassador salon  @zeitraumberlin_marius

Will babylights suit you?
Babylights  using the method of foiled highlights refer to  very fine sections  just enough to create a low impact result- but results nonetheless.

IG: Iles Formual Ambassador

How long do the processes take?
The duration of the coloring process varies from person to person, and really depends on the color, style, and complexity of the final result. Length, thickness, and the current color of the hair, also have a bearing.
Generally, a balayage takes 3 to 5 hours, while an ombre usually takes about 2 to 4. This is simply because a balayage is a meticulous application compared to that of an ombre.

Babylights take the shortest time, averaging 1 hour and a half per dying session.

How to maintain your color investment?

Iles Formula shampoo and conditioner are known as a salon operators and customers' best friend.
The Iles sulfate free shampoo has a root extract ingredient that helps buff over porosity bars often caused by overlapping color when retouching highlights and balayage.
Blondes are often the ones suffering dullness from porosity, hence the Iles Formula shampoo and conditioner re-delivers luster and keeps the color refreshed. The key is water, add more water when massaging  shampoo to activate an abundance of mousse, bring this mousse all the way to the ends of the hair.  Rinse well. Results are phenomenal.

The Iles Formula Conditioner is UNIQUE in that it never deposits residue of any kind. Be very aware of conditioners on the market today that repair hair with proteins, keratin or a scientific blend, its a know fact, these deposits  buildup on hair shaft and are breaking hair !
Iles Formula PREVENTS breakage and STOPS breakage from the first use, and will never weigh even the finest of hair down.

PROTECT your color from the environmental assaults, like sun, wind and cold, the biggest offenders of drying out and changing the color reflect.

The Iles Formula Finishing Protection Serum not only protects from the environment but also heated tools up to 450 degrees !

Apply to wet and /or dry hair daily.

balayage-ombre-babylights-which-one-is-for-youIG: Iles Formula Ambassador

Ultimately, which highlighting style suits you the most is up to your aesthetic, the level of maintenance you can handle, and your personal sense of style. 

Once you choose highlights, ombre, or balayage, do not forget to share & tag us on social media @ilesformula_hair and use our hashtag #ilesformula. Opt to find a professional for this application do not attempt to do it yourself.   Iles Formula work with the best professionals globally. Check out our locations page to find an expert  colorist near you.

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