An erratic week

Then came Sandy's hurricane effect in the US and to top that off, the snow storm hitting NY and blocking photographers, directors and crew. While this had devastating consequences for those directly concerned, it also threw me a million miles away in Paris into chaos. As a result, I have an unused Indian visa stamped in my passport with destinations of Brazil and India replaced last minute with London and Frankfurt !
Not complaining, I did a fantastic 30 pages ELLE UK "special collections" editorial with Jan Welters and with one of the hottest top models of the moment, with the longest legs on the planet. I've been sworn to secrecy on giving you her name until its almost published around Christmas time, but tried to document her legs for you even so!
Returning to Paris, arriving 5 hours late with Eurostar broken down on the tracks, then to sleep for 3 hours before rising again at 4.00 to catch a plane to Frankfort for the MTV Awards hostess Heidi Klum.
Tomorrow Sunday I'm back in Paris to shoot a perfume campaign, so hopefully that won't change and life returns to normal planning, meaning confirmed bookings with no changes. What stress, its the running to catch last minute trains and planes thats the killer, the rest is purely adrenaline pumping.
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