How To Get A Sexy New Year's Eve Hair Up Do
The easiest ever hair for party!
It's better to create this on already dried hair even better from the day before. If the hair is freshly shampooed it's often too soft, pins slide and hair doesn't stay together as well. As you see in step 1 the hair in a raw state gives excellent texture. If you hair is straight and fine add texture by curling some sections haphazardly with a curling iron. Spray on some sea salt spray or dry shampoo for extra added texture if hair is too clean.
Follow these simple 8 steps from "hairdresser on fire". It's very clear you only need your hands, good texture and some pins. The longer U shaped pins are the best anchors and small U shaped pins to neaten up the back seam.
Enjoy your New Year's Eve with your new hair for party!
It's better to create this on already dried hair even better from the day before. If the hair is freshly shampooed it's often too soft, pins slide and hair doesn't stay together as well. As you see in step 1 the hair in a raw state gives excellent texture. If you hair is straight and fine add texture by curling some sections haphazardly with a curling iron. Spray on some sea salt spray or dry shampoo for extra added texture if hair is too clean.
Follow these simple 8 steps from "hairdresser on fire". It's very clear you only need your hands, good texture and some pins. The longer U shaped pins are the best anchors and small U shaped pins to neaten up the back seam.
Enjoy your New Year's Eve with your new hair for party!
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