ICE WHITE "The New Blonde"

Ice White Hair - The new fashion hairstyle
ICE WHITE hair is the new blonde for this season. #MichelleWilliams wears it best in her latest #LouisVuitton campaign shot by #PeterLindbergh . Seen on the latest shows of #Versace , #EmilioPucci and #MaxMara the temptation is appealing, but unless you are a shade of blonde already, it takes a lot of courage to go from brunette to ice white, it also takes a very clever colorist ! So much can go wrong ... orange hair, broken hair, blistered scalps, so it's important you seek out professional help if going this white.
If hesitating on the full head ice white blonde, think about blending ice blonde through the mid-length and ends. This can liven up any existing dirty blonde.
As you can see from below there are several hues to white blondes and your colorist will best advice what is the tone that works best with your skin color. For example platinum blonde good for cold colored skins types whereas a golden blonde is better suited to yellow skin. But there are no rules, when I see an Asian with yellow skin wearing ice white hair I still think it looks really cool !
Most professional brands have good blondes. Ones I've come to know and trust are #LOreal , #Schwarzkopf and especially #Goldwell .
I wonder - being a brunette myself - do blondes really have more fun ?!
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