Iles Formula Hair Talk Featuring Fer Porro Of George Northwood Salon

In this weeks journal, Iles Formula Hair Talk Featuring Fer Porro Of George Northwood Salon of London. Fer Porro is a talented artist with a passion for hair and the beauty industry.  Check out what he has to say about hair, his favorite products and  the beauty industry today.

Iles Formula Hair Talk Featuring Fer Porro Of George Northwood Salon by Iles Formula


IF:  Tell us what you think is the biggest challenge in hairdressing today?

Probably staying relevant. There are loads of hairdressers out there, so you need to make clients very happy.

IF:  What’s the most enjoyable part of your job?

Let’s say that you do an average of 7 clients a day, if not more, so you end up listening to very interesting stories and meeting amazing people! Also, it’s amazing when they just met you and they say : 'I trust you!' It’s very rewarding!


Iles Formula Hair Talk Featuring Fer Porro Of George Northwood Salon by Iles Formula


IF:  Why did you choose the path of hairdressing and was it easy to fall into this work?

Since I was a kid I was playing with my cousins and sister’s hair - also their barbies - then I started playing with mine - cutting and coloring it myself. So I guess I just wanted it since I was very young without forcing it.

IF:  If you had not made the decision to be a hairdresser what would you have been?

Definitely something creative like fashion designer or fashion stylist! I did make up before, so I guess I could have done that full time as well. Or if I retire from hairdressing, I’ll open a little shop of beautiful perfumes and scents.


Iles Formula Hair Talk Featuring Fer Porro Of George Northwood Salon by Iles Formula

IF:  What is your greatest strength?


IF:  Your favorite hairdressing tools?

GHD curling tongs.

IF:  Tell us  about your relationship with Iles Formula. How you discovered us and which formula is your favorite?

We have had them in the salon for almost a year and we were very excited about having a new brand on board. Since day one I used the Finishing Serum #3, I absolutely loved it and use it on almost every single client.


Iles Formula Hair Talk Featuring Fer Porro Of George Northwood Salon by Iles Formula

IF:  What was the most challenging job you ever had?

I was shooting a comercial for a fashion brand and hair and make up was behind this big van but I was too tall for the space. So I had to be on my knees doing doing hair. Not just that, we were shooting outside in the rain, so hair didn’t stay with much volume for more than 5 seconds! Luckily in the video none of that was noticeable!


Iles Formula Hair Talk Featuring Fer Porro Of George Northwood Salon by Iles Formula


IF:  What was your worst hair moment and why….privately or on set/stage or in the salon?  

Omg, the worse I’ve done was when I also used to do color in my second year of college. I was trying to get platinum blonde on asian hair, wrapped it all in foil but a few minutes later it started steaming! Disaster! Then I realised that color is not my thing.

IF:  If you could style anyones hair, who would it be and why?

Lady Gaga! I love all the wigs she used to wear and I’d love to try them on too!

Iles Formula Hair Talk Featuring Fer Porro Of George Northwood Salon by Iles Formula

IF:  Where do you pull  hair inspiration from?

My inspirations come from fashion shows, instagram photos and magazines.


Iles Formula Hair Talk Featuring Fer Porro Of George Northwood Salon by Iles Formula

IF:  Your advice to young hairdressers starting out?

Be yourself!

IF:  Thank you For Porro for sharing your story with Iles Formula and our fans.

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