Iles Formula Hair Talk With Gregorio Ruggeri

This week, we share Iles Formula Hair Talk With Gregorio Ruggeri.  Gregorio, began his trek to the top as an assistant in his mother’s salon at the impressionable age of 13. By the time he turned 15, Ruggeri was apprenticing at an upscale salon in Sydney’s chic Paddington neighborhood. Within only a few years, Ruggeri was a full-time hairstylist, and also trained as a makeup artist, going on to do hair and makeup regularly for Yves Saint Laurent, Louis Vuitton, and Gucci. Today Greg, with his partner Craig Longhurst a master in interior design and architecture, opened one of New York's most design hair salons, Salon Ruggeri, that not only delivers haute quality hair but delivers a sumptuous comfort and feast for ones eyes.

Iles Formula Hair Talk With Gregorio Ruggeri by Iles Formula

Iles Formula Hair Talk With Gregorio Ruggeri by Iles Formula

IF:  Tell us what you think is the biggest challenge in hairdressing today?

GR:  Justifying your prices for the amount of time & energy it takes to create a specific look. Social Media shows that things can happen in just a few hours with minimal cost. When in reality it can take a few sessions & some patience.

Iles Formula Hair Talk With Gregorio Ruggeri by Iles Formula

IF:  What’s the most enjoyable part of your job?

GR:  Bringing a smile to my clients face & making them feel very special.

IF:  Why did you choose the path of hairdressing and was it easy to fall into this work?

GR:  Funny story…. I come from a family of hairdressers.

IF:   If you had not made the decision to be a hairdresser what would you have been?

GR:  With a family like mine I think I was always destined to be in the industry.

Iles Formula Hair Talk With Gregorio Ruggeri by Iles Formula

IF:  What is your greatest strength?

GR:  Dedication to my clients & those around me.

IF:  Your favorite hairdressing tools?

GR:  My knowledge.

IF:  Tell us  about your relationship with Iles Formula. How you discovered us and which formula is your favourite?

GR:  An editor came in with an Iles Formula Discovery Pack insisting I use it on her. So, I gave it a go & was impressed with the results. The Finishing Serum is fab.

IF:  What was the most challenging job you ever made?

GR:  Moving to NYC from Australia & setting up a Salon in a 4th floor walk up with no street signage or clientele.

Iles Formula Hair Talk With Gregorio Ruggeri by Iles Formula

IF:  What was your worst hair moment and why….Privately or on set/stage or in the salon?

GR:  Being given the wrong color formula for a certain Oscar Award winning actor on location.

IF:  If you could style anyones hair, who would it be and why?

GR:  One of my oldest & dearest clients who passed away. I would love to have just one more appointment with Mrs B. She was always dressed to impress & had such a wealth of knowledge…

IF:  Where do you pull  hair inspiration from?

GR:  As corny as it sounds, I find the streets of New York always inspiring.

Iles Formula Hair Talk With Gregorio Ruggeri by Iles Formula


IF:  Your advice to young hairdressers starting out?

GR:  When life gets harder, challenge yourself to be stronger.

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