Iles Formula Women - Bibi Monnahan

Iles Formula Women - Bibi Monnahan by Iles Formula
Meet Bibi Monnahan, a tall redhead and ex model.  Bibi launched her own design firm in 2004 focusing on residential & commercial interiors and curates photography collections for clients.  Bibi’s unique sense of style is an eclectic mix of boho, rock 'n' roll chic and glam.

She was kind enough to answer a few questions and share some photos of her beautiful 1760 stone house in Pennsylvania.  Bibi shares her property with a multitude of wildlife including many species of birds, white tail deer, fox and chipmunks to name a few. Rock ‘n’ roll-chic-chick at it’s best! We love it!
Iles Formula Women - Bibi Monnahan by Iles Formula
IF: What's your relationship with your hair?

BM: It starts with a great cut…but then you have to use the best products to keep hair healthy so it won’t dry out and get split ends


IF: Best hair inspiration decade?

BM: 70’s bohemian ie. Brigitte Bardot-esque, Jane Fonda in “Klute”

IF: Most inspiring thing you've learned at your job?

BM: I am pickier than my clients and to believe in my gut instincts

IF: Do you read directions of use?

BM: Rarely….(a fault of most right brain creatives)

IF: Do you read the composition of a product?

BM: Always
Iles Formula Women - Bibi Monnahan by Iles Formula
IF: Your favourite Iles Formula product?

BM: I love love the Serum …. working it through my hair after washing and before blow drying.  It’s fragrance is elegant and sexy at the same time


IF: Favorite shower dance?

BM: Twist

IF:  What makes you most happy?

BM: Transforming a clients space, gardening and laughing with my family and friends


IF: Being a woman in 2016?

BM: …Not for sissys

Bibi is opening a shop on her website soon, so stay tuned!

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