Is Hair Loss Normal?

Is Hair Loss Normal? by Iles Formula

Is female hair loss normal?

Hair loss is usually an issue that affects men, but it can also be quite problematic for women if not treated early and properly. While some amount of hair thinning is normal for all women, it is important to understand the difference between normal female hair loss and abnormal hair loss.

The three stages of hair growth are as follows: Anagen phase, lasting 3 to 5 years in which hair grows around 1.5 cm per month. Catagen phase, lasting 10 days at the end of Anagen phase in which the hair follicle detaches from the skin. Telogen phase, the resting phase in which the old hair is in the process of being pushed out by the new hair.

How much hair loss is normal ?

Telogen Effluvium is the term used for "excessive hair shedding" and refers to a condition in which a woman will lose more than 200 hairs on a given day. There are many factors that can cause Telogen Effluvium so it is important to pay attention to your body in order to pinpoint the cause of the problem. These factors can include post pregnancy hormonal shifts, stress, weight issues, and adverse affects from birth control medication. Any one of these factors can impact the normal hair cycle, but if detected early and treated properly will not do permanent damage to your hair.

There are other more serious illnesses that could cause excessive female hair loss, such as alopecia, autoimmune disease, Trichotilomania (pulling ones hair out) or an adverse effect from chemotherapy. It is very important to seek immediate medical attention if you are experiencing hair loss, which might result from any one of these more serious conditions. Early detection and treatment is essential as a first step toward recovery.

Thickening tricks - Female hair loss:

Most treatments take time to activate growth usually 3 months to one year. In the meantime use some of these tips to have your appear thicker and stronger ,

The best cut is a one length blunt cut like a shorter bob. The one length adds weight to the overall thinnning of the hair. It's also a very practicle cut if you wanted to clip in some extensions to add more thickness for special occasions. Do visit your hairdresser to have your extensions colored to match perfectly and to have them cut to suit your bobbed length. I would suggest clip on over permanent fused in extensions, not to damage your existing fragile hair .

Often coloring hair will help. Blondes for example could add some soft highlights. The coloring will slightly swell the hair giving a thicker texture . If a brunette go a touch richer like dark chocolate brown, this will always make the hair appear denser to the eye .

Be sure to use the best possible care treatments. Iles Formula has sulfate-free shampoo, one of the best high performance conditioners on earth delivering instantly a sumptuous spun silk texture and a finishing serum that is full of protectors, protection against heated tools, protection against UV and color fade protection. It's also laced with a cocktail of vitamins. The finishing serum can be appled daily without ever weighing the hair down .

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