It's Coming up Roses

Flashing back to my blog article of last year Mon Amie la Rose , the above photo is the fruit of the stills shooting in Bangkok for "Herbal Essence" with beauty photographer Justin Cooper and wardrobe stylist Imp Manuschanok.

A make believe salon inside a tent was installed in a field of  over 1000 imported roses flown especially from the mountains for our shoot. I worried what would become of all those sweet smelling roses in the steamy heat of Bangkok. I'm not sure they would have survived  and that's sad as they bought me so much pleasure . It's not every day I get to work amongst  a field of roses in full bloom. The roses were installed for the Tv commercial that ran alongside of this stills advert campaign.

With a limited water supply and electricity  for prepping the hair we managed quite well. It was steamy hot  so my little tent had two big air conditioners inside to keep the space cool and prevent the humidity getting to the hair, which  is my worst enemy when working as humidity creates frizz in the hair .

Most Asian celebrities have names adapted to the English language. The names are funny to our ears but at the same time unforgettable. This is Angela Baby a big movie star in China .

My task was to make the hair wide and this as a challenge as she was surrounded  very closely by more roses than it appears here with thorns left on !

The Asian visual of beauty is different from America or Europe. This image is typical of the fresh faced china doll image they tend to love.

Below are images of my assistant Kom shampooing and Angel Baby on the set of the tv comercial that we filmed to correspond with this stills visuel above.

It's Coming up Roses by Iles Formula

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