Sunset Marquis Hotel Anniversary

When I first stayed  at  the Sunset Marquis in Hollywood, I doubted that I would want to make this hotel my permanent address in California. It was obvious, 5 minutes after checking in , that I may be the only guest over 40 without a song on the charts !

The  walls around the property pose as a rock and roll museum with signed portraits and memorabilia of artists like The Beatles ,The Stones ,Ozzy,  Morrissey , the list is endless . The  basement houses one of Hollywoods trendiest recording studios,hence the public mostly revolves around this.

I love Rock and Roll but the only thing in common with my lifestyle with these artists, is my suitcase of black clothing .

I sighed with relief  when checking in and had to sign a "no party in the room policy"…  I love  that  clause , it meant silence on my corridor. Now on my forth stay and as the weeks have passed, it begins to feel like home away from home. I'm pleased after a day's work to come back to my familiar room - always the same at my request  - with it's view over the courtyard pool and rolling hills of Hollywood.

I'm now on first name terms with the staff who treat me like an A list celeb, so I couldn't miss their invitation to the Hotels 50 th anniversary party  last weekend . I've read where celebrities who have turned up to functions here without invitations are turned away . So this was special .

Sunset Marquis Hotel Anniversary by Iles Formula

It was a great night with a mixture of people I know and work with and some I only sing along with in my car.  Steve Tyler  and  Julienne Lennon  amongst others were on stage while the who's who of Hollywood  watched on.  All this happening in what now feels like my courtyard around the  pool.

I'm now a fan too of Hotel Sunset Marquis. The staff are charming , the food is excellent , the corridors at night are calm .These are the ingredients I need to feel settled far from home.

Sunset Marquis Hotel Anniversary by Iles Formula

Photographed at hotel Marquis are  Julian Lennon ,Whoopie Goldberg , Dita Von Tesse ,  Lana Del Ray, Steven Tyler , Rene Ziegler, Johnny Hallyday.

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