Iles Formula Women GOLAZIN

Iles Formula Women this week is pleased to introduce GOLAZIN (@golazinmusic) who is a singer / songwriter who grew up in Isfahan, Iran. Radical restrictions for all female musicians and political unrest drove her to leave her home country in order to pursue her passion for music.

Following her cover of one of world music icons, Idan Raichel's songs, she was approached by himself and has since performed with him on stage. Using her cherished culture and her extensive knowledge of both Eastern and Western music, Golazin has begun to create records that remain true to both worlds, with an underlying message of raising awareness of Iran. The restrictions in place for female singers in Iran fueled Golazin’s decision to move to London in 2006. She began studying for her Masters and then PhD in Music Psychology, whilst also performing in the UK and France.

Her debut single, “Miri” has already received over 2,000,000 listens, and her latest single “Booseh” has been played more than 800,000 times in less than a month. We are pleased to have her in our Journal!

Iles Formula Women GOLAZIN by Iles Formula

Singer, artist and performer.

IF : Relationship with your hair?
G : Really close and intimate, we know quite a lot about each other :)

IF : Best Hair Inspiration decade?
G : 20s and 40s .

IF : How did you hear about Iles Formula?
G : Through magazines.

IF : What is the most inspiring thing you’ve learned at your job?
G : Look your best, you’ll feel your best and you'll perform the best.

IF : Do you read direction for use?
G : Always. I believe if you don't follow the directions you will not get the best result. There is always a reason for various directions on products.

IF : Do you read the composition of a product?
G : I never used to, but recently I have started to see the results of high quality products. I read everything about the product, it’s a way to know exactly what I’m using and how to get what I want from it.

IF : Your favorite Iles Formula product?
G : The whole 3-step system! When everything is used together, it’s everything you need for healthy and good looking hair.

IF : Your favorite shower dance?
G : Disco.

IF : What makes you the most happy?
G : Success. It can be in work, in my love life or even as small as finding a new beauty product that works for me!

IF : If you were to share one beauty tip with us today, what would it be?
G : In my experience beauty can't be achieved overnight and with any random products. Find the right product and stick to it to get the best result. It takes time and you need to be patient but its worth it when you look in the mirror in the morning and feel great!

IF : Being a woman in 2017?
G : Hard work! I turned my life around 360 degrees. I changed my career to what I really loved to do and set a new course for my future. As a female performer I had many hopeful days and I have achieved a lot and ultimately I am so happy I made that decision.

IF : If you didn’t do the job you do now, what do you think you would be doing?
G : Acting most probably as I love performing, but if it was something outside of entertainment, I always thought to be a crime detective. I love to solve puzzles and bring justice to a victim’s family has always resonated with me.

IF : Which celebrities do you think are wearing great hair at the moment and why?
G : Keira Knightly has really natural and classy hair. I also love Jennifer Lawrence’ hair, she always has great haircut, style and colour!

Iles Formula Women GOLAZIN by Iles Formula

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