Sweet Emily
Emily, a 3-year old girl, decides to cut her locks to give it to a child with cancer who has lost his hair. To learn more about Emily 'story, watch her video.
Donating hair is a great and inexpensive way for people to get involved with charity. Whether you do it on your own or attend a hair cutting and donation event, you'll never regret helping someone in need. If you want to donate your hair - like Emily - for a beautiful and inspiring cause, you first need to check acceptable hair donation requirements (generally of 8-12 inches).
Below is a list of organizations that accept hair donations:
- http://www.pantene.com/en-US/PanteneBeautifulLengths/Details/beautiful-lengths-make-the-cut.aspx
- http://www.locksoflove.org/donate.html
- www.childrenwithhairloss.us/
- http://www.wigsforkids.org/
- http://angelhairfoundation.org/donate/how-to-help/
- http://www.cancer.org/aboutus/howwehelpyou/onlinehelp/donation-faq
- http://www.hairbank.org/
- http://donateyourhair.org/contact-us/
- http://www.shavathon.org.za/donate-your-ponytail/
- http://www.cancerresearchuk.org/cancer-help/about-cancer/cancer-questions/hair-donation-and-wigs#donate
After checking the donations requirements, you need to know how to make the cut.

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