Hair Tips: How To Grow Healthy, Long Hair

Have you ever tried to grow your hair with the feeling it's not gaining length ? This is most likely due to the fact that as the hair is growing from the roots, the ends are simply splitting and breaking. It's simply in "stand still" mode.
Best precautions to take are to regularly trim the ends every 6 to 8 weeks. You can even do this yourself by sectioning strands of hair by twisting the ends in a clockwise direction, so all the split ends stand out. Simply take a small pair of scissors and snip off those broken ends by running scissors up the hair strands. You will remove the split ends without necessarily removing the length.
I'm a great believer in "We are what we eat". If you are really on a long hair mission start taking care also from the inside. Have you ever noticed when you are feeling weak or not well all the luster and bounce disappear from your hair ? Our hair roots are fed by the blood stream so keep them fed with excellence.
Firstly, the diet must be balanced. Drink lots of water, eat fresh fruits and veggies and source out the following essentials to help with your mission. Not only you will see a difference in your hair texture shine and strength but also in your nails and skin.
Biotin, Vitamin B : You will find in leafy greens, kale and spinach are extremely good sources with Swiss chard being the best producer of biotin.
Vitamin D, Omega 3, fatty acids : You will find in fish like Salmon and Halibut known to some as brain food is very high in natural biotin. Try and rotate these into your weekly menu, you will see in no time the luster return to your hair.
Vitamin E : Walnuts and almonds make great snacks to replace empty sugary foods. Walnuts in particular have high levels of omega 3 fatty acids that are responsible for shiny hair and are also known to have copper minerals that keep our natural hair color lustrous. If you don't like chomping on nuts, then try walnut and almond oils in your salad dressing.
It goes without saying always condition your hair. I'm passionate about hair care and a great believer that it all starts at the basin. Use a shampoo that's not too detergent. The hair should never feel like wire after you have shampooed. If it does, throw it, it's not the shampoo for you. Conditioners you should always comb through for better distribution. The best conditioners will close down the hair scales and help seal split ends and leave the hair feeling like silk. If you have taken care at the basin, combs and brushes will just slide through your long hair with no stress what so ever on the length and ends.
I've been wearing long hair most of my life. I just love the feeling of my hair on my skin. I feel feminine and love the possibilty to play around with the length and styles, straight, curly, up, down. I wear it to suit my mood. I wish you good luck, stay focused and you will have healthy long locks in no time.
Best precautions to take are to regularly trim the ends every 6 to 8 weeks. You can even do this yourself by sectioning strands of hair by twisting the ends in a clockwise direction, so all the split ends stand out. Simply take a small pair of scissors and snip off those broken ends by running scissors up the hair strands. You will remove the split ends without necessarily removing the length.
I'm a great believer in "We are what we eat". If you are really on a long hair mission start taking care also from the inside. Have you ever noticed when you are feeling weak or not well all the luster and bounce disappear from your hair ? Our hair roots are fed by the blood stream so keep them fed with excellence.
Firstly, the diet must be balanced. Drink lots of water, eat fresh fruits and veggies and source out the following essentials to help with your mission. Not only you will see a difference in your hair texture shine and strength but also in your nails and skin.
Biotin, Vitamin B : You will find in leafy greens, kale and spinach are extremely good sources with Swiss chard being the best producer of biotin.
Vitamin D, Omega 3, fatty acids : You will find in fish like Salmon and Halibut known to some as brain food is very high in natural biotin. Try and rotate these into your weekly menu, you will see in no time the luster return to your hair.
Vitamin E : Walnuts and almonds make great snacks to replace empty sugary foods. Walnuts in particular have high levels of omega 3 fatty acids that are responsible for shiny hair and are also known to have copper minerals that keep our natural hair color lustrous. If you don't like chomping on nuts, then try walnut and almond oils in your salad dressing.
It goes without saying always condition your hair. I'm passionate about hair care and a great believer that it all starts at the basin. Use a shampoo that's not too detergent. The hair should never feel like wire after you have shampooed. If it does, throw it, it's not the shampoo for you. Conditioners you should always comb through for better distribution. The best conditioners will close down the hair scales and help seal split ends and leave the hair feeling like silk. If you have taken care at the basin, combs and brushes will just slide through your long hair with no stress what so ever on the length and ends.
I've been wearing long hair most of my life. I just love the feeling of my hair on my skin. I feel feminine and love the possibilty to play around with the length and styles, straight, curly, up, down. I wear it to suit my mood. I wish you good luck, stay focused and you will have healthy long locks in no time.

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